Saturday, June 27, 2015

Only 19 Steps?

Summer's here, and if your kids are anything like my adorable, squirmy little ones it takes a million steps before you can get the sunscreen on and the kids out the door. Nineteen steps, to be precise.

Thirty minutes of lathering up for ten minutes of fun before they get bored

Today I'm over on BonBon Break with all 19 of those steps. To give you a taste, here are #3 and #4:

3. Slather the first kid up with sunscreen while the other one gets into your nicely packed beach bag, spreading all its contents on the floor.

4. Tell the first kid to put their shirt back on while you round up the other kid. Don’t trip over all the crap on the floor.

Can you relate? Check out the full post: 19 Steps to Putting Sunscreen on Your Kids