May 4, 2014
10:33 am
8 lbs. 7 oz.
20.6 inches
After 3 months on bed rest and the constant fear of early delivery after preterm labor at 25 weeks, Stella arrived surprisingly uneventfully at 38 weeks and 5 days. She and mama are doing well and are enjoying being home with Papa and big brother, Leo.10:33 am
8 lbs. 7 oz.
20.6 inches
Of course, after managing to avoid the horrible sage-femme from my 6-month check-up, guess who was on shift during my stay in the maternity ward? Oh well. I shouldn't have to see her again after this, and she was much easier to tolerate when I had a cute little baby in my arms.
And my other "baby" is here too! I finished my sequel, Confessions of a Paris Potty Trainer. Writing my book was a great way to pass the time on bed rest and see each extra day as more time to finish my book instead of another agonizing day stuck on the couch. Having such a positive goal helped me keep her in there that much longer!
I'd written everything but the final chapter before she was born. I'd just been waiting for my little bundle of joy to arrive so I'd know how to end my story. For those who have been following my journey on the blog, you'll recognize some of the stories but of course there are lots of new ones too.
OK, now it's time for mama to take a much-needed nap!