As I've been sharing my bed rest stories on the interwebs, I've come across a surprising number of women who have also had to be on bed rest and/or had preemies. Thanks for the support, ladies! In the interest of giving a little back, here's a round-up of pregnancy, preemie, and bed rest good mojo:
Keep Calm and Stay on the Couch
This is surprisingly hard when you're the person who has to do it. You have to say no to so many things and watch as much of the world passes you by. But you also get to catch up on an entire season of a TV show in one sitting. So, let's be honest--it's not that bad.When it comes to preemies, every day counts! It's not a countdown, it's a count-up.
I came up with this phrase as a way to see your time on bed rest as a positive thing and to want to be on it LONGER as opposed to wishing for it to be over. I admit, it's been easier for me than some people since I've been at home instead of the hospital. No matter what your situation, though, stay positive! Check out these ideas for a count-up (tip #7).10 Tips to Survive Bedrest
As my younger brother will tell you, I'm as bossy as they come. So check out my tips on how to survive bed rest! Out of the 10 hopefully you can find a few that work for you.Patience is not the ability to wait but how you act while you're waiting
I normally have zero patience (try dealing with French bureaucracy for 9 years!) but somehow I've managed to find patience during this time. It helps that I've been working on the sequel (Confessions of a Paris Potty Trainer) to my first book (Confessions of a Paris Party Girl) because not only does it keep me busy, it makes me want just a little more time to wrap things up.I don't have advice on how to get some patience of your own (I checked, they don't sell it on Amazon) other than to simply be aware that you need it. Somehow the rest just kind of came for me. My über-calm husband had a lot to do with that. Thanks, Mika!
What about you? Any words of wisdom to share with other parents in a similar situation?
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