The Sassy Guide to the City of Light
As an American living in Paris for nearly 9 years, I have plenty of words of wisdom to share about this glorious, yet sometimes frustrating, city. Each weekday this month I will share my thoughts on some of the best stuff to do in Paris. Today's letter, V, is for Vin.
I've already mentioned how much I like drinking. Hello, I wrote a book about it. But French wine, specifically, holds a special place in my heart. It never ceases to amaze me how inexpensive a really good bottle can be here. And then if you spend just a few euros more, your mind will be blown.
The only downside to wine in France is that French wine is affordable while imported wines tend to be just expensive enough that you wouldn't buy them. That's different from the US where you can find many imports (Australian and Chilean, especially) that are quite affordable. However, it's not really a valid concern here because there are so many wonderful French wines you don't need a foreign wine. It would take a long time to get sick of all the Bordeaux and Burgundies at your disposal.
Speaking of, time for me to pour a glass!
Check out the full series:
Paris A to Z: A is for Pont Alexandre III
Paris A to Z: B is for Boulangerie
Paris A to Z: C is for Chateau de Vincennes
Paris A to Z: D is for Drinks
Paris A to Z: E is for Eiffel Tower
Paris A to Z: F is for Fondue
Paris A to Z: G is for La Grande Epicerie
Paris A to Z: H is for Haussmann Architecture
Paris A to Z: I is for Ile St. Louis
Paris A to Z: J is for Jim Morrison's Grave
Paris A to Z: K is for Kir Royale
Paris A to Z: L is for The Long Hop
Paris A to Z: M is for Métro
Paris A to Z: N is for Notre Dame
Paris A to Z: O is for Musée d'Orsay
Paris A to Z: P is for Promenade Plantée
Paris A to Z: Q is for Quaint Shops
Paris A to Z: R is for Romance
Paris A to Z: S is for Sacre Coeur
Paris A to Z: T is for Trousseau
Paris A to Z: U is for Un Reve
Paris A to Z: V is for Vin
Paris A to Z: W is for Walking
Paris A to Z: X is for Expats
Paris A to Z: Y is for Court Yards
Paris A to Z: Z is for Zen in the City